A few bespoke sets from Dorset
So I've had a go with my digital camera at photographing some Sikh War period sets Giles Brown Made for me.

Didn't come out too bad and yes I know Madras Presidency army was not involved in the Sikh Wars bur just liked the headgear and thought they looked very distinctive. Antony at Imperial is helping to add Sikh Army standard bearers to my Sikh Muslim Infantry and Sikh regular infantry sets plus a Sikh general and escort and ammo wagons to go with my Bengal and Sikh two gun batteries. I also will need at least one more set of Sikh Cavalry as the British have 16th Lancer, Bengal Light and 15th Kings Hussars, and yes again I know they didn't fight in the campaign but were posted to India at the time and Antony had a half set then made me another to give full six figure mounted unit so what the heck. He is currently working on English Tangiers figures for me so hope to post images of Charles II garrison in the near future
Antony is a helpful and resourceful chap!